Civil Engineering General


Despite our best efforts on projects, we sometimes still make errors because we are all fallible. Some of these errors are trivial, while others are serious, and even fatal.

Speaking of errors, I am referring to human errors and not deliberate violations or intentional failures. Generally, human errors include slip of action, lapses of memory, rule-based mistakes, and knowledge-based mistakes. Unfortunately, these types of human error can happen to even the most experienced and well-trained professional.

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about slips, lapses and mistakes, and how you can deal with them.

Slips and lapses

Slips simply mean not doing what you are meant to do while lapses mean forgetting to do something, or losing your place midway through a task. 

Slips and lapses occur in very familiar tasks which we can carry out without much conscious attention, for example, driving or operating a machine. These tasks are very vulnerable to slips and lapses when our attention is diverted even for a moment.

Examples of slips include:
🔺performing an action too soon in a procedure, or leaving it too late. For example, not putting your ear plugs on before starting the drill.
🔺omitting a step or series of steps from a task. For example, forgetting to turn on the tap while wetting a surface.
🔺carrying out an action with too much or too little strength. For example, over-torquing a bolt.
🔺performing an action in the wrong direction. For example, a crane operator pushing the joystick to the left instead of the right.
🔺doing the right thing but on the wrong object. For example, selecting the wrong size nail for the job.
🔺carrying out the wrong check but on the right item. For example, checking a dial but for the wrong value.

Examples of lapses include:
🔺forgetting to nail down a joist.
🔺taking your googles off to talk to a colleague and then forgetting to put it back on.
🔺failing to secure scaffolding because of an interruption.
🔺forgetting to remove a radiator before removing the wallpaper.

When do slips and lapses occur?

Slips and lapses occur when:
🔺the task is very familiar and requires little thought.
🔺people confuse two similar tasks.
🔺tasks are too complicated and long-winded.
🔺the main part is done but the finer details are missed.
🔺steps in a procedure don’t follow naturally.
🔺there are distractions and interruptions.

How can you reduce slips and lapses?

🔺make all workers aware that slips and lapses do happen.
🔺use checklists to help confirm that all actions have been completed.
🔺include in your procedures the setting out of equipment, site layout and methods of work to ensure there is a logical sequence.
🔺make sure checks are in place for complicated tasks.
🔺try to ensure distractions and interruptions are minimized. For example, introduce mobile phone policy.


Rule-based mistakes and knowledge-based mistakes are decision-making failures. They arise when we do the wrong thing, believing it to be right.

Examples of mistakes include:
🔺making a poor judgement when overtaking, leaving insufficient room to complete the manoeuvre in the face of oncoming traffic.
🔺an operator misinterpreting the sound of a machine breakdown and failing to switch off immediately.

Why do mistakes occur?

🔺Doing too many things at the same time.
🔺Doing too many complex tasks at once.
🔺Time pressures.

Factors that contribute to workers making mistakes

🔺The work environment – too hot, too cold, poor lighting, restricted workspace, noise.
🔺Extreme task demands – high workloads, boring and repetitive jobs, jobs that require a lot of concentration, too many distractions.
🔺Social issues – peer pressure, conflicting attitudes to health and safety, conflicting attitudes of workers on how to complete work, too few workers.
🔺Individual stressors – drugs and alcohol, lack of sleep, family problems, ill health.
🔺Equipment problems – inaccurate or confusing instructions and procedures.
🔺Organisational issues – failing to understand where mistakes can occur and implement controls, such as training and monitoring

How can you reduce mistakes?

🔺To avoid rule-based mistakes, increase worker situational awareness of high-risk tasks on site and provide procedures for predictable non-routine, high-risk tasks.
🔺To avoid knowledge-based mistakes, ensure proper supervision for inexperienced workers and provide job aids and diagrams to explain procedures.

How can we best cope with our fallibility?

🔺First, we must recognize and accept our fallibility as inevitable.

🔺Second, we must provide safeguards for our fallibility, such as checklists and oversight by colleagues.

🔺Third, we must treat our mistakes with acknowledgment and apology, not denial and cover-ups.

🔺And finally, we must analyze our mistakes, in order to avoid repeating them.

Final words

Fallibility is an inherent part of the human condition, and we must not be ashamed of our humanity even as designers, engineers and contractors.


[1] Leadership and Worker Involvement Toolkit: Understanding Human failure – HSE.

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General Student mentorship


Dear aspiring young engineers, arriving late is a way of saying that your own time is more valuable than the time of a potential employer or business partner who is waiting for you.

In the 4th week of December 2021, a senior colleague recommended me for a job and the principal of the company called for a meeting by 8am two days later.

The meeting actually went well though it was introductory in nature but something happened which amazed me. The principal told me my little years of experience disqualified me for the position but the only reason why he would be considering me is because of my punctuality. Yeah, I just said punctuality!

As it was a custom for me, I was there as early as 7:45am. He lamented over the attitude of tardiness in students and recent graduates, and its results. He later scheduled another meeting (though for a proper interview) for 8am the following week and I tried to be there by 7:50am too.

Well, you cannot blame me because I’m a person who likes to be on time because something may happen that I may not like to miss (smiles).

Thankfully, I got my result that same day and it turned out good. To God be the glory!

Here are some points to encourage you and make you get over the habit of lateness.

✅ Punctuality is one of the keys to success

✅ Being punctual shows you value time yourself, and thus wouldn’t think of depriving others of this precious, but limited resource

✅ Lateness could lead to you losing opportunities and people’s trust

✅ To improve your punctuality, prepare in advance and have a self-management plan

✅ Wellness is quite important too since when you feel good, you work well under a management plan

Tardiness is one of the most challenging factors to success, but through careful self-examination and grit, you can overcome it.

Cheers 🎉

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General Student mentorship


Dear young engineers, learn from your mistakes and TRY not to make them again.

One of the mistakes most of us often make is doing jobs for free while hoping we will get the next job.

Frankly, you have nothing to prove to anyone. And that you keep doing free jobs for people does not mean they would give you or recommend you for the next paid job (well, some do, but many do not).

Some time ago, a friend called me from the NYSC camp and asked me to run a building design for him, so I asked for remuneration. Then he told me he wanted to run the job for free so he could be given the next job. I was shocked. He was even willing to go the extra mile for a free job while at the NYSC camp!

Sadly, I had no choice but to do the job for him because he is a good friend, but I didn’t spare him – I made him realize he was doing too much.

✅ Yes, the industry is very competitive, but doing free jobs always (except during internships) doesn’t give you an edge.

✅ Yes, there are times you have to do jobs for free for people, but I would not go beyond the second time for the same person.

✅ No, it should not just be about doing what you like or are passionate about. It would help if you had remuneration to keep you happy on the job.

Lastly, as I tell players in the industry, “when you give aspiring young engineers these jobs that they have been so brilliantly trained to do, do well to appreciate them by paying for their services no matter how small it is. They also have responsibilities to attend to.”

Cheers 🥂

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General Student mentorship


The argument of Sibel Terhaar is what 99% of interns like to talk about. Obviously, it is time we started talking about this subject because we actually deserve better. If we are made to do what normal employees do, then we deserve better pays. Don’t we?

It is time to stop unpaid internships and undue advantage of students. We hope the concerned stakeholders do something in this regard.

That’s by the way (smiles). Let’s now discuss other aspects of internship and volunteering that students have better control over.

Internships and volunteer jobs are very important parts of our education program. In fact, there is no substitute for learning about the world of work and being in the world of work as a student. Internships have always been important to tertiary school students, but never more than now. Therefore, you should get serious and strive early to get some kind of practical work experience.

Internship can be quite frustrating for a trainee but you have to intern and volunteer as much as humanly possible. It allows you to advance your skills as it gives you the opportunity to have hands-on experience more than what you can learn in school. You actually get to experience your field, rather than learn about it in the classroom, and you are presented with real responsibilities and challenges, and real world problems and time constraints to solve those problems.

25 skills that internship and volunteering can help you develop

Apart from offering you the chance to work with industry professionals as a student, you will also be able to put into immediate practice the theory you learn. Another important skill that you stand to gain is self-management, which is key in running a successful business or company in the future.

Interns and volunteers are usually not paid well in cash, but in experience. I know this would not sit well with you because it is quite sad (smiles), but do not be discouraged! I know you do not like to work for free (well, I also do not), but a couple of free jobs till you start making money is definitely worth it. Sometimes you can be lucky to work and be paid well or at least paid stipends, but being paid should not be the priority — quality work experience should. Be more concerned about the seeds you plants and not the immediate harvest you want to reap.

Furthermore, I will not shy away from telling you the fact that getting internship opportunities in Nigeria can be so tough and frustrating. This is the major reason why you would sometimes have to settle for whichever opportunity that comes your way, if you are sure of getting quality work experience. Really, not all of us can intern at the likes of Ove Arup, Schlumberger, Shell Nigeria, Flour Mills, etc, but we can always get quality experience and opportunities elsewhere.

My advice to you is to intern or volunteer for what you want to do, whether there’s a wage/salary at first, or not. It gives you the platform to put your learning and passion into action. Ensure you make the most of it. Take every opportunity to learn from the people who have worked in your industry, also do some networking, sightseeing and field trips.

You should volunteer with individuals, companies or organizations that you believe will give you the experience needed for your desired skills or career path. You can also volunteer on community development or social projects too; contribute to humanity, and gain experience in your field of interest on the team. This will help in building your resume or CV too.

From my experiences, I have been able to discover that anything that is meant to teach and instruct you is going to require patience, flexibility, growth and stretching. For example, engineering is not that easy because most of the concepts we adopt are partially abstract and partially concrete. Therefore, most of these things require time and careful direction or mentoring to understand and apply, and this is where your patience and willingness to learn come into play.

Personally, internship and volunteering experiences have changed and shaped my life, and charted me on a path of career realization and helping people. It all seemed like I was just being used or doing too much at first, but the benefits have been enormous. Funnily, I did not even get a penny until after my first 6 months at the organization, but I ensured that I put into practice all the skills I acquired and it has built my expertise. Even while I am still an undergraduate, I have been able to build my expertise and empower others alongside. Lest I forget, I now make money though still pennies (lol!).

The process is not always fun or easy, but it is always beneficial. No matter how challenging it gets, never forget to show up every day. Don’t give up. It will be worth it.

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General Student mentorship

A Way To Be Your Best

Have you ever asked what your best investment is?

Cryptocurrency? Real estates? Agriculture? Oil and gas? Tech? I can go on and on but none of them actually is.

In fact, you are your best investment!…and this is the more reason why you have to pay attention to growing your strengths, working on your weaknesses, reducing your liabilities and expanding what you are capable of.

Apparently, you should know that if you are slack or not alert to change or growth you will someday be left behind in this fast changing world– to stay relevant, you have to adapt and position yourself for relevance. One of the ways to achieve relevance and your best is personal development.

Personal development simply means taking steps to better yourself (you really don’t want to go out of vogue) by learning new skills or overcoming bad habits. It is also a way by which you assess your skills and qualities, consider your aims in life and set goals in order to realize and maximize your potentials.

Personal development is a journey and not a destination. Therefore, for as long as you live, you need to engage in continuous personal development. This is the reason why it is called a lifelong process. A person really cannot outgrow growth! You must continue to grow and grow and grow (because every person has limitless room for growth) and obviously, this is one of the proofs to show that you are built and positioned for influence.

The pandemic has given more than enough time or room for personal development– did you make good use of the opportunity? Were you able to take online courses, improve academic performance, learn new skills and interesting things, brainstorm ideas that would improve your business(es), enterprise(s) or career, enhance employability prospects, raise confidence, among many more? I really hope you did.

If you refuse to step forward you will always remain in the same place, right? Also, the journey of a thousand miles to greatness begins with a step– isn’t it?

Below, I share with you steps to personal development.

1. Develop a vision. A vision is a goal or idea perceived visually towards which you aspire. You tend to be more motivated to learn and improve yourself if you have a purpose in doing so. I would advise you write down these visions so that it can always spur you whenever you are losing focus.

2. Develop a plan. Once you know what you want and where you want to be, the next thing is to start planning. It is advisable you draw up a development plan as this makes the planning process easier and realistic. It would be nice to remind you that so many great visions have gone unachieved because people failed to plan appropriately and adequately. Plan your development!

3. Start the process. It is easier planned than initiated (smiles). You actually just have to find that push so that you can start somewhere, really.

4. Journal your development. It is expected you keep a record of your personal development so that you can keep track of growth. By journaling, you will be able to motivate yourself, reflect on your successes, and note areas you need improvements at a later date.

5. Review and revise your plan. For effective personal development, you need to reflect on your experience, and consider what you have learnt from it. Regular review of your personal development plan and development activities will ensure that you learn from what you have done so far. This will as well ensure that your activities continue to move you towards your goals, and that your goals or vision remain relevant to you.

You may want to ask “what if I have started the process or journey?” Well, you have to keep going and make improvements where and when necessary. Really, no matter how much experience you have, there’s always something new to learn and room for improvements.

Below are few things to do to improve your personal development;

1. Equip yourself with knowledge on what you want to improve.

2. Find a mentor to guide your development and role models you can look up to. Two heads are better than one.

3. Make daily reflections on your developments.

4. Stick to your personal development plan.

5. Work and train with others who can push you to forge ahead. Iron sharpens iron.

6. Create a reward and punishment system. Sometimes a reward or punishment makes the difference between immediate or rapid change and ongoing ephemeral promises.

7. Be true and honest to yourself. You are your own judge!

8. Be consistent with your development.

Personal development doesn’t happen overnight but overtime, that is, slowly and deliberately. It is a daily practice and lifestyle- a lifelong process!

My final words to you?

Dear friend, dream big, develop yourself, unleash your potentials, collaborate with others, play to your strengths, work on your weaknesses, enjoy the process, share your unique gifts with the world, and grow your greatness by testing yourself, expanding yourself, learning and improving.

I hope you have learned something new today…(smiles). If you have, do well to like this article, drop your comment in the comment box and hit the follow button at the end of the page. I trust you would do😊

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